Safety Leadership

What is safety leadership?

In essence, good leadership includes good safety leadership and basic understanding of different safety principles. Leaders must understand their role in creating the conditions that lead to success and hence, through reflective and systemic leadership, empower their people in creating safety on a daily basis. One fundamental aspect of safety leadership is the understanding of how they impact the balance between safety and productivity for sharp-end employees.

The main objective with the training program is to create an understanding and buy-in to the foundation of safety leadership by creating awareness of human and organizational factors that influence safety performance throughout the organization.

The Safety Leadership training program

The training is tailored to each client but includes the following elements:

  • Fundamental beliefs of what makes systems risky or safe and how they affect leadership
  • Knowing what actions / behavior leaders can do on a daily basis to support safety
  • Where to focus resources to improve safety and consequently productivity
  • Understanding of control measures and what has the biggest impact
  • Safety systems and processes
  • How to increase learning from past incidents
  • Realization that leadership influences ‘at risk’ behavior of frontline workers in sharp-end, both positively and negatively 
  • Balancing potential trade-offs / conflicts / paradoxes between safety and productivity 
  • Good communication to help inspire workers on safety
  • Discussions and examples of behavior that good leaders demonstrate to workers
  • Training length is 2 days


The training program can, in addition to the above, include a follow-up on the continuation of the training.

  • The closing of the course can include time for a personal action plan. This is in order to help initiate positive changes / additions to future behavior to support safety leadership style
  • Followed up with a recurrent seminar and/or support